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Representative Publications


Gabel, L. N., Mohamed Ali, O., Kotelnikova, Y., Tremblay, P. F., Stanton, K. J., Durbin, C. E., & Hayden, E. P. (2023). Predicting children’s internalizing symptoms across development from early emotional reactivity. Social Development, 1-21. (open access)


Green, H. E., Daoust, A. R., Vandermeer, M. R. J., Liu, P., Stanton, K., Harkness, K. L., & Hayden, E. P. (2023). Characterizing and predicting Canadian adolescents’ internalizing symptoms in the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement. Advance online publication. (open access)


Mohamed Ali, O., Vandermeer, M. R. J., Liu, P., Joanisse, M. F., Barch, D. M. & Hayden, E. P. (2023). Associations between childhood irritability and neural reactivity to maternal feedback in adolescence. Biological Psychology. (open access)


Daoust, A. R., Thakur, A., Kotelnikova, Y., Kleiber, M. L., Singh, S. M., & Hayden, E. P. (2023). Associations between children’s telomere length, caregiving, and the early environment. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 54, 672-682. (open access)


Gabel, L. N., Daoust, A. R., Olino, T. M., Grahn, J. A., Durbin, C. E., & Hayden, E. P. (2022). Children’s emotional reactivity to emotionally evocative stimuli: associations with internalizing symptoms. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 68(4). (open access)


Daoust, A. R., Stanton, K., Vandermeer, M. R. J., Liu, P., Harkness, K. L., Hayden, E. P. (2022).  Development and Preliminary Validation of the Pandemic Avoidance and Concern Scales (PACS). (open access)


Liu, P., Vandermeer, M. R. J., Daoust, A. R., Green, H., Mohamed Ali, O., Stanton, K., Harkness, K., Barch, D., Joanisse, M. F., & Hayden, E. P. (2022). Maternal depression, childhood resting-state brain connectivity, and adolescent depression during the COVID-19 outbreak. PsyArXiv. (open access)


Vandermeer, M. R. J., Liu, P., Mohamed Ali, O., Daoust, A. R., Joanisse, M. F., Barch, D.M., & Hayden, E. P. (2022). Children’s neural reactivity to maternal praise and criticism: Associations with early depressive symptoms and maternal depression. Advance Online Publication. (open access)


​Liu, P., Hayden, E. P., Dougherty, L. R., Leung, H., Goldstein, B., & Klein, D. N. (2021). The development of depressogenic self-schemas: Associations with children's regional grey matter volume in ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Development and Psychopathology, 35(3), 1000-1010. (open access)


Mohamed Ali, O., Gabel, L. N., Stanton, K., Kaufman, E. A., Klein, D. N. & Hayden, E. P. (2021). Observational measures of early irritability predict children’s psychopathology risk. Development and Psychopathology, 34(4), 1531-1543.


Liu, P., Vandermeer, M. R. J., Mohamed Ali, O., Daoust, A. R., Joanisse, M. F., Barch, D.M., & Hayden, E. P. (2021). Maternal depression, child temperament, and early life stress predict never-depressed preadolescents’ functional connectivity during a negative mood induction. Clinical Psychological Science, 10(1), 141-160. (open access)


Mohamed Ali, O., Kotelnikova, Y., Kryski, K. R., Durbin, C. E. & Hayden, E. P. (2021). Parent personality and children’s inattention/hyperactivity are related via early caregiving. Journal of Infant and Child Development 30(3), e2220. (open access)


McDonnell, C. G., DeLucia, E. A., Hayden, E. P., Penner, M., Curcin, K., Anagnostou, E., Nicolson, R., Kelley, E., Georgiades, S., Liu, X., & Stevenson, R.A. (2020). Sex differences in age of diagnosis and first concern among children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 50(5), 645-655. (open access)


Liu, P., Vandermeer, M. R. J., Joanisse, M. F., Barch, D. M., Dozois, D. J. A., & Hayden, E. P. (2020). Depressogenic self-schemas are associated with smaller regional grey matter volume in never-depressed preadolescents. NeuroImage: Clinical, 28, 102422. (open access)


Vandermeer, M. R. J., Liu, P., Mohamed Ali, O., Daoust, A. R., Joanisse, M. F., Barch, D. M., & Hayden, E. P. (2020). Orbitofrontal cortex grey matter volume is related to children's depressive symptoms. Neuroimage: Clinical, 28, 102395. (open access)


Liu, P., Kryski, K. R., Sheikh, H. I., Smith, H. J., Singh, S., & Hayden, E. P. (2020). Dynamic associations between children’s lower- and higher-order regulation predict change in attention problems. Review of Social Development, 30(1), 274-292. (open access)


Liu, P., Vandermeer, M. R. J., Joanisse, M. F., Barch, D. M., Dozois, D. J. A, & Hayden, E. P. (2020). Neural activity during self-referential processing in children at high risk for depression. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, 5(4), 429-437.  (open access)


Liu, P., Kryski, K. R., Smith, H. J., Joanisse, M. F., & Hayden, E. P. (2020). Transactional relations between early child temperament, structured parenting, and child adjustment outcomes: a three-wave longitudinal study. Development and Psychopathology, 32(3), 923-933. (open access)


McDonnell, C. G., DeLucia, E. A., Hayden, E. P., Anagnostou, E., Nicolson, R., Jelley, E., Georgiades, S., Liu, X., & Stevenson, R.A. (2020). An exploratory analysis of predictors of youth suicide-related behaviors in autism spectrum disorder: Implications for prevention science. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 50, 3531-3544. (open access)


Sandstrom, A., Daoust, A. R., Russel, E., Koren, G., & Hayden, E. P. (2020). Hair cortisol concentrations predict change in girls’ depressive symptoms.  European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1-15. (open access)


Kotelnikova, Y., Clark, L. A., & Hayden, E. P. (2019). Development and Initial Validation of the Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality Brief Other-Description Rating Form (SNAP-BORF). Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioural Assessment, 41, 470-484. (open access)


Gabel, L. N., Daoust, A. R., Grahn, J., Durbin, C. E., & Hayden, E. P. (2019). Development and validation of a battery of emotionally evocative film clips for use with young children. Psychological Assessment, 31(8), 1040-1051.


Mohamed Ali, O.Vandermeer, M. R., Sheikh, H. I., Joanisse, M. F., & Hayden, E. P. (2018). Girls' internalizing symptoms and white matter tracts in Cortico-Limbic circuitry. NeuroImage: Clinical, 21, 101650. (open access)


Daoust, A. R., Kotelnikova, Y., Kryski, K. R., Sheikh, H. I., Singh, S. M., & Hayden, E. P. (2018). Child sex moderates the relationship between cortisol stress reactivity and symptoms over time. Comprehensive psychiatry, 87, 161-170. 


Vandermeer, M. R. J., Kotelnikova, Y. K., Sims, L. J., & Hayden, E. P. (2018). Spousal agreement on partner personality ratings is moderated by relationship satisfaction. Journal of Research in Personality, 76, 22-31. (open access)


Vandermeer, M. R. J., Sheikh, H. I., Singh, S. M., Klein, D. N., Olino, T. M., Dyson, M. W., Bufferd, S. J., Klein, D. N., & Hayden, E. P. (2018).  The BDNF gene val66met polymorphism and behavioural inhibition in early childhood. Social Development, 27(3), 543-554. (open access)


Amicarelli, A., Kotelnikova, Y., Smith, H. J., Kryski, K. R., & Hayden, E. P. (2018).  Parenting differentially influences the development of boys’ and girls’ inhibitory control. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 26(3), 371-383. (open access)


*Note: Underlined names indicate LEAP Lab trainees

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